
ooh another new blog

well, yesterday I posted something on the blog, but my husband has discovered this one, which, he says is better, so there we go.

yesterday my post went something like this:

Some will see that this whole website is under construction, thus, things may stay the same/change/be fiddled with on a daily basis.

My hope for this site (www.radical-evangelical.org.uk) is that we will discover together what our distinctive radical evangelical voice is. Looking at what it means to be an 'evangelical' and how we live that in our context - being part of the restoration of God's world.

One cautionary word. I will spend some time on this site focusing on the word 'evangelical', that is because that is what I am. I also have an openness to other streams of Christianity and I think that we should nourish each other. This site is for the discovery of a distinctively radical evangelical voice, but the good thing about diversity, is that it is diverse!

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